Sports&Watches : Who do you like in the PGA Championship? - Wishdoit Watches

Sports&Watches : Who do you like in the PGA Championship?

Woods is taking tentative steps these days. When he leaves the tee, he often holds a club in his right hand, which he gently swings like a crutch as he walks toward the fairway. He's not relying on it for support -- not quite -- but it looks like he's using it for comfort. A safety blanket in case he takes an embarrassing step. Chances are it will go on like this forever, with the pain rising and diminishing to a level that only he can understand.
Benjamin M
Watch Spotting: What watches do athletes wear on the sports field? - Wishdoit Watches

Watch Spotting: What watches do athletes wear on the sports field?

There are too many athletes who like to wear watches on the field. I only list a part. If you want to know more, you can leave a message for me, and I will answer for you at any time. While paying attention to the competition, we can also appreciate the watches they wear and learn more about the brands and stories of the watches, and find the right watches for ourselves.